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                    _   _                    ______ _            _ _            
                   | \ | |                   | ___ (_)          | (_)           
                   |  \| | _____      _____  | |_/ /_ _ __   ___| |_ _ __   ___ 
                   | . ` |/ _ \ \ /\ / / __| |  __/| | '_ \ / _ \ | | '_ \ / _ \
                   | |\  |  __/\ V  V /\__ \ | |   | | |_) |  __/ | | | | |  __/
                   \_| \_/\___| \_/\_/ |___/ \_|   |_| .__/ \___|_|_|_| |_|\___|
                                                     | |                        
      +----------------------------------------------+_|           STAGING v 3.0          
  | EU Passes Controversial |
  |   Copyright Law With    |     +------------------------+
  |      ‘Link Taxes’       |  +--> Bristol Airport Hit by |
  +----------+--------------+  |  |  Ransomware Blackout   +---+
             |                 |  +------------------------+   |
             |                 |                               |
             |                 |                               |
         +---v-----------------+--+      +---------------------v-----+
         | Why PayPal's crackdown |      | Linus Torvalds apologizes |
         |    on ASMR creators    |      |   for years of being a    |
         |    should worry you    |      |   jerk, takes time off    |
         +------------------------+      |     to learn empathy      |
          +---------------------------+      |
          | Guccifer to Be Extradited <------+
          | to US for Prison Sentence |
          +-----------------+---------+      +--------------------------+
                            |                | F-Secure Says Almost All |
                            +----------------> Computers Are Vulnerable |
                                             | to New Cold Boot Attack  |
             +-------------------------+     +------------+-------------+
             | Destructive Xbash Linux |                  |
             |     Malware Targets     <------------------+
             |   Enterprise Intranets  |
                 |        +--------------------------+
                 +-------->  Critical Vulnerability  |
                          |   Impacts Hundreds of    |
                          | Thousands of IoT Cameras |

 ___________ _    _____          _____         ______           _____           
/  ___|  _  \ |  /  __ \  ___   /  ___|        |  _  \         |  _  |          
\ `--.| | | | |  | /  \/ ( _ )  \ `--. ___  ___| | | |_____   _| | | |_ __  ___ 
 `--. \ | | | |  | |     / _ \/\ `--. / _ \/ __| | | / _ \ \ / / | | | '_ \/ __|
/\__/ / |/ /| |__|_\__/\| (_)  (/\__/|  __/ (__| |/ /  __/\ V /\ \_/ / |_) \__ \
\____/|___/ \_____/____/ \___/\/\____/\___|\___|___/ \___| \_/  \___/| .__/|___/
             _ _   _                          _                   _  | |        
            (_) | | |        ____            | |                 | | |_|                       
   __      ___| |_| |__     / __ \__  ___ __ | |__  _ __ ___  ___| | ____  __          
   \ \ /\ / / | __| '_ \   / / _` \ \/ / '_ \| '_ \| '__/ _ \/ __| |/ /\ \/ /          
    \ V  V /| | |_| | | | | | (_| |)  (| |_) | | | | | |  __/ (__|   (  )  (           
     \_/\_/ |_|\__|_| |_|  \ \__,_/_/\_\ .__/|_| |_|_|  \___|\___|_|\_\/_/\_\          
                            \____/     | |                                             
                                 +---------------+    |
                            +----+ WTF is SDLC?? <----+
                            |    +---------------+
                            |  +------------------+
                            +--> Designing Secure |
                               | Devops Pipelines +--+
                               +------------------+  |
                               +-----------------+   |
                               | Testing, QA, QE <---+
                            +--+     et al.      |
                            |  +-----------------+
                            |    +---------------+
                            +----> Managing SDLC |
                                 |   At Scale    +--+
                                 +---------------+  |
                                 +------------+     |
                            +----+ Challenges <-----+
                            |    +------------+
                            |  +-------------------+
                            +--> Tools & Resources |
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