                  |   ___.__     YOU KNOW WE KEEP ON TRUCKiN' BABY!!     .___ |
             /    | _/   \_ |__  __ /\.____  ___________  ______  _  ____| _/ |
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     :(   .    )            |----------||@  \\   ___        September 11th, 2018
     `.  (    ) )   ._      |____|_____|||_/_\\_|___|_       Twitch || Periscope
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           `-'  `(    )  ))||/  O  |__________/  O  |_||         Episode Archive
                  ` __.:'     \___/INFOSEC NEWS\___/                        

 `. U.S. charges North Korean hacker in Sony, WannaCry cyberattacks

 `. A top-tier app in Apple’s Mac App Store stole your browser history

 `. UIDAI’s Aadhaar Software Hacked, ID Database Compromised

 `. Hacker uses ProtonMail VPN. Hacker DDoSes ProtonMail. Hacker gets arrested.

 `. Unpatched routers being used to build vast proxy army, spy on networks

 `. British Airways hit with customer data theft

 `. New Chainshot Malware Found By Cracking 512-Bit RSA Key

 `. Researchers Clone Tesla Key Fobs

                 |                   || -.\                                     
         .-O     |     GOOD READS    || |_\\             ______     ___         
     ==-( <-`7)  |___________________|| -  |  __~p\___  /[]  []\  _/[]L\__      
      ,/.//__/\. B_,-._,-.____________|,-._) (_,.__,._) \__,.__|-(_,.__,._)     

 `. BSD puts retguard on the last functions in their kernel, killing ROP

 `. Python Package Installation Can Trigger Malicious Code

 `. Friend used a spy app to harm my reputation

 `. Tor Browser 7.x NoScript Bypass

                       |                                                     |  
              _______  |     Topic of the Week                               |  
             / _____ | |         VDI Security & Virtual DFIR                 |  
            / /(__) || |                                                     |  
   ________/ / |^^| || |                     Presented By                    |  
  |         |-------|| |                           ohnoitsmichaeljackson     |  
 (|         |     -.|| |_______________________                              |  
  |  ____   \       ||_________||____________  |             ____      ____  |  
 /| / __ \   |______||     / __ \   / __ \   | |            / __ \    / __ \ |\ 
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    | () |                 | () |   | () |                  | () |    | () |    
     \__/                   \__/     \__/                    \__/      \__/     

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