_   _                                                               _
-+--- / \ / \ ----------------------------------------------------------- / \ --
 |   _\  \\  \ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _______ __  __  ___   _\  \
 | //___  \\  \\  \\  \\  \\  \\  \\  \\__\\  \\__\\   _  \\ \_\ \_\  \ / \\  \
 |      \  \\  \\  \\  \\  \\  \\  \\  \ ___\  \    \  \\  \\  \\  \\  \\  \\  \
 |       \_/ \_/ \__\\__\\_/ \__\\  \\__\\__\\__\    \_____/ \__\\__\\ / \__\\_/
-+---------------------------  ___\  \ ---------------------------------- -  - -
 |                             \__\\ /   2 0  2   0    0     2      1       8
 | F E  A   T    U     R      E       D
-+----------------------------------------------------------------------- -  - -
 | [plazmaz]
>| China's systematic tracking, arrests of Uighurs exposed in Xinjiang leak
 | [pic0o]
>| Malware Attack Hits Boston Children's Hospital Physician Group    
 | [dnz]
>| Hacker Makes $360,000 ETH From a Flash Loan Single Transaction Involving    
 | Fulcrum, Compound, DyDx and Uniswap                                         
 | > The transaction on etherscan                                            
 | [yuu]
>| US says it can prove Huawei has backdoor access to mobile-phone networks  
 | > Huawei: Media Statement Regarding WSJ "Backdoor" Story                   
 | N E  W   S
-+----------------------------------------------------------------------- -  - -
>| DOJ charges four Chinese military hackers for Equifax hack                  
 | > Full Equifax Indictment                                               
>| Cyber criminals spread coronavirus conspiracy theories                      
>| Docs: Shadow Inc. Directly Tied to Left-Wing Media Operation                
>| Hackers are demanding nude photos to unlock files in a new ransomware       
 | scheme targeting women                                                      
>| Baltimore to use police surveillance planes in controversial pilot program  
>| Federal Agencies Use Cellphone Location Data for Immigration Enforcement    
>| Iranian hackers have been hacking VPN servers to plant backdoors in         
 | companies around the world                                                  
>| A US House candidate says she was hacked - now she's warning others         
 | G O  O   D    R     E      A       D        S
-+----------------------------------------------------------------------- -  - -
>| Arduino-to-Arduino Voltage Glitching                                        
>| DNS Tunneling Series, Part 3: The Siren Song of RogueRobin                  
>| Simplify Your Life With This Pocket Rotary Cellphone                        
>| Azeria: Understanding Trusted Execution Environments and Arm TrustZone      
>| How the CIA used Crypto AG encryption devices to spy on countries for       
 | decades                                                                     
>| iPhone Extractions: 5 Questions That Will Unlock More Data with checkm8     
>| The war against space hackers: how the JPL works to secure its missions     
 | from nation-state adversaries                                               
>| Wacom drawing tablets track the name of every application that you open     
>| MuckRock: Anonymous + general hacktivists 2009-2018 (LAPD)
>| Taking undercollateralized loans for fun and for profit                     
 | R E  S   O    U     R      C       E        S
-+----------------------------------------------------------------------- -  - -
>| checkra1n for Linux now available                                           
>| 0xdade: Red Team PROXY Protocol (Nginx)                                     
>| hacksysteam/HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver - Vulnerable Linux Driver 
>| A Rough Idea of Blind Regular Expression Injection Attack                   
>| LiveOverflow - Introduction to Docker for CTFs                              
>| The SSH server that knows who you are                                       
>| IDAPython script renames functions according to the Linux syscall (int 80h)
 | they contain.                                                          
>| More angr - Defeating 5 ELF Crackmes                                        
>| Official VirusTotal Plugin for IDA Pro 7                                    
>| C#, The Language For All Platforms - Now Including Windows 3.11 And DOS     
>| Red Teaming Toolkit Collection                                              
>| FOIA'd NSA Course on Python (warning: 118 MB)                               
>| World's First Classical Chinese Programming Language                        
 | S T  R   E    A     M      S
-+----------------------------------------------------------------------- -  - -
>| plazmaz: pastehunter dev stream                                             
>| k4m1k4z13r: Linux and System Administration Workshop Stream                 
>| aneilan: threat hunting / metasploitable                                    
>| notdan: banned from porn streaming site                                     
 | C H  E   A    T     C      O       D        E         S
-+----------------------------------------------------------------------- -  - -
>| plazmaz - Not hunter2: Buffer Overflow in Sudo via pwfeedback               
>| saleemrashid/sudo-cve-2019-18634                                            
>| containerd versus dockerd WORKDIR non-root permissions                      
>| sailay1996/amd_eop_poc: CVE-2020-8950 AMD User Experience Program Launcher  
 | from Radeon Software Privilege Escalation                                   
>| Understanding Twitter IDs                                                   
>| Exploiting Netgear's Routerlogin.com                                        
>| Twitch 2FA Bypass ( WONTFIX )                                               
>| Forging SWIFT MT Payment Messages for fun and pr...research!                
>| CDPwn - 5 Zero-day Vulnerabilities in Cisco's Discovery Protocol Impacting  
 | Tens of Millions of Enterprise-grade Devices                                
>| Command Injection WAF Bypass                                                
>| ctags fuzzing writeup                                                       
>| CVE-2020-0618: RCE in SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)
>| CVE-2019-18683: Exploiting a Linux kernel vulnerability in V4L2 subsystem   
 | S A  F   A    R     I      Z       O        N         E
-+----------------------------------------------------------------------- -  - -
>| [dustyfresh] dork for All in one migration backups                          
>| [dustyfresh] dork for wifi password tagged on a map                         
>| [dustyfresh] Truffle hog API expressions converted to Yara signatures     
>| [dustyfresh] ai1wm backups dork                                             
>| [hermit] site:m4u.com.au                                                    
>| [hermit] metadata.rdns:*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*                                      
>| [n0pbear] dork for wordpress DB setups                                      
>| [plazmaz] malicious ad party                                                
>| [plazmaz] the larsen family                                                 
>| [plazmaz] github dork for k8s secret files                                  
>| [plazmaz] cpanel dork                                                       
>| [rqu] Caucus App Error Page                                                 
>| [sshell] I shall call this art piece "2 bugs, 1 payload"                    
>| [yuu] Ad Network CDN Dork                                                   
>| [yuu] Gucci Login                                                           
>| [yuu] service.gucci.com                                                     
>| [dril_gpt2] disney's iphone jailbreak                                       
                              Weekly Mix by @0Katz