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 :: NEWS ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

 >> What the &*%* did you just $#*&!*# say about me, you little &%$#*? 'AI'    
    to filter Xbox Live chat                                                   
 >> Most SSL certificate misissuance caused by software bugs and rule          
 >> Domino's Is Using A.I. Surveillance to Manage Store Performance            
 >> Secret Court Rules That the FBI's "Backdoor Searches" of Americans         
    Violated the Fourth Amendment                                              
 >> A Hacker Stole 250K User Account Details from a Dutch Sex Work Site        
 >> Internal Email Shows GitHub Plans to Renew ICE Contract                    
 >> Twitter says it will restrict users from retweeting world leaders who      
    break its rules                                                            
 >> Facebook Said Politicians Can Lie In Ads. It's Taking Down Ads From        
    Warren, Biden, And Trump For Other Reasons.                                
 >> Human Rights Activist Allegedly Targeted With NSO Malware Says His Life    
    Is 'Hellish'                                                               

 :: GOOD READS ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

 >> The QAnon Guide to the Chaos in Syria: Fake Fake Fake!                     
 >> How Amazon benefits from counterfeit books                                 
 >> China’s New Cybersecurity Program: NO Place to Hide                        
 >> How Random Is Random?                                                      
 >> Companies urged to bolster infrastructure cyber defences                   
 >> "What's Up With WhatsApp?" Slides                                          
 >> Reverse Engineering Liberates Dash Cam Video                               
 >> How to DELETE 99.9% of your digital footprint from the internet            
 >> Analyzing Keyboard Firmware Part 2                                         

 :: RESOURCES :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
 >> vx-underground.org - An archive of vx materials                            
    >> Get involved with vx-underground                                        
 >> Clinical Computer Security for Victims of Intimate Partner Violence        
 >> 0x4D31/fatt - a pyshark based script for extracting network metadata and   
    fingerprints from pcap files and live network traffic                      
 >> nccgroup/demiguise - HTA encryption tool for RedTeams                      
 >> deepseagirl/tiny-tools - "Just some lil quality of life improvement        
    scripts, bash and python, nothing too earth-shattering going on here."     
 >> gcmartinelli/entroPy - Binary file entropy visualizer written in Python    
 >> p8952/bocker - Docker implemented in around 100 lines of bash              
 >> Creates PDFs that display their own MD5 hashes when viewed.                
 >> BugCrowd University - View past talks                                      
 >> input PCAPs and run against GreyNoise                                      
 >> teknogeek/ssrf-sheriff - A simple SSRF-testing sheriff written in Go       

 :: CHEAT CODES :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

 >> OpenSSH Pre-Auth XMSS – Integer Overflow                                   
 >> - visual studio code: remote debugger enabled by default                   
 >> Potential bypass of Runas user restrictions                                
 :: SAFARI ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::


 >> ADP Admin Login                                                            
 >> PAID PRIVATE DORKS SQL LIST                                                
 >> Airport webcam                                                             
 >> Open Dir of a bunch of strange facebook related files                      


 >> Strange Login                                                              


 >> NASA JPL Large File Transfer                                               
 >> Warner Pacific "Download your files"                                       
 >> "contactoperator.jsp" LFT dork                                             
 >> brookings.edu Porn Redirects Dork                                          


 >> Possible subdomain hijack on Best Buy - Russian Torrents                   


 >> Glitchy Defacement                                                         


 >> WeightWatchers Email Preferences                                           
 >> A bunch of Jingles from the American Forces Network                        
 >> Sitemap of the possible subdomain hijack on Best Buy                       
 >> azure-api.net Dork                                                         


                              Weekly Mix by @0Katz