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 NEWS 

> German police seize "bulletproof" hosting data center in former NATO bunker  

> Developer of Checkm8 explains why iDevice jailbreak exploit is a game changer

> AT&T redirected pen-test payloads to the FBIs Tips portal                   

> Legit-Looking iPhone Lightning Cables That Hack You Will Be Mass Produced/Sold 

> Threesome Blowjob Scene on Giant Highway Billboard Could Have Caused an       
  Accident, Police Say                                                          

> Facebook, WhatsApp Will Have to Share Messages With U.K. Police             

> Chinese State Hackers Suspected Of Devious New Attack On U.S. Companies      

> What Is CrowdStrike and Why Is Donald Trump Blabbering About It to Ukraine   

> Thousands of Cloud Computing Servers Could Be Owned With 'Very Simple'       
  Attack, Researchers Say                                                     

> Criminals looking into injecting card stealing code on routers, rather than 

> Academics find eight vulnerabilities in Android's VoIP components

> Popular Detroit Scammer Rapper Teejayx6 Arrested with $50,000 & Blank Checks 

 GOOD READS 

[ Breaches ]

> DoorDash data breach affected 4.9 million customers, workers and merchants  

> Heyyo dating app leaked users' personal data, photos, location, more       

[ Development ]

> Better scheduling in Go                                                  

[ Hardware ]

> The Zen Of Mechanical Keyboard Wiring                                        

> Parents, Beware: Nerf's Newest Blasters Won't Fire Knockoff Darts            

> Why This 20-Year-Old CRT Monitor Is Better Than a 4K LCD                     

> Meet the makers of modular                                                  

[ Industry ]

> Slack Is a Hell of Our Own Making                                        

> Kickstarter To Workers and Project Creators: Drop Dead                    

> Why big ISPs aren't happy about Google's plans for encrypted DNS

[ Nation State ]

> Analysis and Disclosure of the US CIA Network Weapons Database 

> Mapping the Connections Inside Russia's APT Ecosystem                       

> The Global Disinformation Order - 2019 Global Inventory of Organised Social  
  Media Manipulation                                                          

> Huge "Police Lives Matter" Facebook page run from Kosovo, pushed            
  misinformation about U.S. cops                                              

> What's in Trump's Super Classified Server and Why Is He Hiding Things There? 

[ "Of Course..." ]

> Finding a Job at McDonald's is Now as Simple as Asking Alexa               

> Law enforcement took more stuff from people than burglars did last year    

> Psyops as a service                                                       

> YouTuber charged loads of fans $199 for shoddy machine-learning course that  
  copy-pasted other people's GitHub code                                         

> Teejayx6 & Guapdad 4000 On The Rise of "Scam Rap" | Genius News             

[ Retro Tech ]

> How did MS-DOS decide that two seconds was the amount of time to keep the   
  floppy disk cache valid?                                                    

> Compact Disc Structure - Writeup about the structure of CD-ROM data storage.

[ Reverse Engineering ]

> hasherezade - Flare-On 6 (tasks 10-12)                                      

> Trickbot - An analysis of data collected from the botnet                    

> ARM exploitation for IoT – Episode 3                                        

> Huawei's Undocumented APIs - A Backdoor to Reinstall Google Services

[ Vulns ]

> LG Vuln Disclosure                                                          

> Researchers Think They Know How Many Phones Are Vulnerable to 'SIMjacker'    

 PROJECTS 

> Skelsec's Webassembly PyPyKatz PoC                                          

> Dustyfresh - thirteen.club writeup                                            

> Meet MutantC; Raspberry Pi Sidekick Complete With Sliding Screen, QWERTY      

> Reversing Hero - Reverse Engineering self learning kit                        

> Java Deserialization Tool: Gadgetinspector                                    

> Some useful Ida scripts                                                       

> notpike/NEC_Encode.c                                                          

> pwk4m1/TinyBIOS A minimalist open source BIOS project for fun                 

> Unified archive of J2ME software (2019-09)

> OSINT Verification Resources

 CHEAT CODES 

> axi0mX/ipwndfu - open-source jailbreaking tool for many iOS devices        

> Analysis of CVE-2019-14994 – Jira Service Desk Path Traversal leads to     
  Massive Information Disclosure                                             

> Keybase iOS Has A Backdoor                                                 

> How to bypass Android certificate pinning and intercept SSL traffic         

> hakluke/how-to-exit-vim                                                    

> A list of all the words that Youtube Demonetizes                          
  > Video by Nerdcity explaining it                                            

> Visual Basic 5/6 compiler memory leak inside created executable files       

> Fuzzing {{7*7}} Till {{P1}} - SSTI Fuzzing Techniques                      

> Geluchat/chrome_v8_exploit - A collection of 1days and solutions to         
  challenges related to v8/chrome I developed                               

> Frint0/mass-pwn-vbulletin - Identify vulnerable (RCE) vBulletin 5.0.0 - 5.5.4 
  instances using Shodan (CVE-2019-16759)                                        

> Powershell VM Detection                                                    

> Running a .NET Assembly in Memory with Meterpreter

> ELF Crafting - Advanced Anti-Analysis Techniques for Linux

> How to break out of restricted shells with tcpdump

> Exim: Heap-based buffer overflow in string_vformat, RCE seems to be possible

 SAFARI ZONE 


> Overloading a scammer IVR
> Verizon endpoint down
> Twitter token auth dork


> Laravel Env Variable Shodan Dork


> Linkedin Dork


> McGruffSafeguard Internet Acronyms and EmotIcons
