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│                                                                                  │
│  ════════════════════════════════  N  E  W  S  ════════════════════════════════  │
│                                                                                  │
│   Google Says Malicious Websites Have Been Quietly Hacking iPhones for Years    │
│                                                                                  │
│   Dept. of Homeland Security Forced to Release List of Keywords Used to         │
│    Monitor Social Networking Sites                                               │
│                                                                                  │
│   Ring reportedly shared video sharing data, detailed maps with police in 2018  │
│                                                                                  │
│   Ring Says It Doesn't Use Facial Recognition, But It Has "A Head Of Face       │
│    Recognition Research"                                                         │
│                                                                                  │
│   President Trump Tweets Sensitive Surveillance Image of Iran                   │
│                                                                                  │
│   Bang Bros Bought a Huge Porn Doxing Forum and Set Fire to It                  │
│                                                                                  │
│   John McAfee forced to move hideout after 'a**hole' publicly outed location    │
│    on Twitter                                                                    │
│                                                                                  │
│   Malware Found in CamScanner Android App With 100+ Million Users               │
│                                                                                  │
│   Head of NOAA says 5G deployment could set weather forecasts back 40 years.    │
│    The wireless industry denies it.                                              │
│                                                                                  │
│   Australian who says he invented bitcoin ordered to hand over up to $5bn       │
│                                                                                  │
│   Hackers Could Steal a Tesla Model S by Cloning Its Key Fob - Again            │
│                                                                                  │
│   Phishing attack of Oregon Judicial Department affects 6,600+ people           │
│                                                                                  │
│   The frighteningly simple technique that hijacked Jack Dorsey's Twitter        │
│                                                                                  │
│   Hackers Hit Unpatched Pulse Secure and Fortinet SSL VPNs                      │
│                                                                                  │
│   Fraudsters deepfake CEO’s voice to trick manager into transferring $243,000   │
│                                                                                  │
│   Popular face-swapping app Zao sparks another privacy outcry                   │
│                                                                                  │
│   Google to pay security researchers who find Android apps and Chrome           │
│    extensions misusing user data                                                 │
│                                                                                  │
│  ════════════════════════  G  O  O  D   R  E  A  D  S  ════════════════════════  │
│                                                                                  │
│   A very deep dive into iOS Exploit chains found in the wild                    │
│                                                                                  │
│   Definitive Dossier of Devilish Debug Details – Part One: PDB Paths & Malware  │
│                                                                                  │
│   Attacking SSL VPN - Part 3: The Golden Pulse Secure SSL VPN RCE Chain, with   │
│    Twitter as Case Study!                                                        │
│                                                                                  │
│   The Art of Becoming TrustedInstaller - Task Scheduler Edition                 │
│                                                                                  │
│   Photo-Realistic’ Emojis and Emotes With Progressive Face Super-Resolution     │
│                                                                                  │
│   ROMs and Mappers: Why NES Games Can Be So Different On The Same Hardware      │
│                                                                                  │
│   Silvio's thread about unsafe APIs in C                                        │
│                                                                                  │
│   The big South African IP address heist – How millions are made on the         │
│    grey market                                                                   │
│                                                                                  │
│   Brain-reading tech is coming. The law is not ready to protect us.             │
│                                                                                  │
│   Taking Control of VMware Through the Universal Host Control Interface Part 2  │
│                                                                                  │
│  ══════════════════════════  R  E  S  O  U  R  C  E  ══════════════════════════  │
│                                                                                  │
│   Godbolt Compiler Explorer                                                     │
│                                                                                  │
│   zFRAG - Zen Hard Disk Management Tool                                         │
│                                                                                  │
│   subjack - Subdomain Takeover tool written in Go                               │
│                                                                                  │
│   Kerberos Attacks Cheatsheet                                                   │
│                                                                                  │
│   LTE Quick Reference                                                           │
│     GNU Radio LTE receiver                                                      │
│                                                                                  │
│   pwn_jenkins - Notes about attacking Jenkins servers                           │
│                                                                                  │
│   ThugCrowd - Bettercap Loader                                                  │
│     [bane] Using Bettercap-Loader                                               │
│                                                                                  │
│  ═════════════════════════════  C  H  E  A  T  S  ═════════════════════════════  │
│                                                                                  │
│   DNS Spoofing on Kubernetes Clusters                                           │
│     kube-dnsspoof                                                               │
│                                                                                  │
│   Beautiful regex to zigzag lines across the terminal                           │
│                                                                                  │
│   Confluence Local File Disclosure Vulnerability Analysis (CVE-2019-3394)       │
│                                                                                  │
│   Multiple critical vulnerabilities in Cisco UCS Director, Cisco Integrated     │
│    Management Controller Supervisor and Cisco UCS Director Express for Big Data  │
│                                                                                  │
│   Gentoo Linux Security Advisory 2019-08-26                                     │
│                                                                                  │
│   dovecot security update                                                       │
│                                                                                  │
│   Irssi 1.2.2:CVE-2019-15717                                                    │
│                                                                                  │
│   ghostscript (.forceput exposed)                                               │
│                                                                                  │
│  ═════════════════════════════  S  A  F  A  R  I  ═════════════════════════════  │
│                                                                                  │
│  (     ᴋᴜᴘᴏ...    )                        WARNING                               │
│             o                                                                   │
│    |‾\_|_/‾|  o       The following section features stunts performed either     │
│  __|  _  _ |_°      by professionals or under the supervision of professionals.  │
│  \‾| =  0 =)/          Accordingly, ThugCrowd and the producers must insist      │
│  (‿,   ``` \)            that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any         │
│    |        |              stunt or activity performed in this section.          │
│     \_/‾‾l_/                                                                     │
│                                                                                  │
│  [busescanfly]                                                                   │
│                                                                                  │
│   Alexa Factorial Freestyle                                                     │
│                                                                                  │
│  [docOutlaw]                                                                     │
│                                                                                  │
│   Someone's personal site                                                       │
│   This week in webcams                                                          │
│                                                                                  │
│  [dustyfresh]                                                                    │
│                                                                                  │
│   Some sort of open dir full of SMS Spying Tool sessions                        │
│   chaseperfect.zip is the phishing kit with PHP files in it..                   │
│   Dork for webshells - ?ev= is the parameter, base64 encoded                    │
│   onedrive phishing kit                                                         │
│                                                                                  │
│  [hermit]                                                                        │
│                                                                                  │
│   Some chats if you're feeling lonely                                           │
│   A bunch more chat clients                                                     │
│   KiwiIRC Dork                                                                  │
│   Mibbit IRC Dork                                                               │
│   AWS Forums Dork                                                               │
│   Website Stats Dork                                                            │
│   phpmyadmin creds dork                                                         │
│   A bunch of fake John McAfee twitters                                          │
│   An equipment billing page                                                     │
│   "worst url ive seen in a bit"                                                 │
│   site:hunan.gov.cn filetype:txt                                                │
│   site:gov.cn -inurl:hunan filetype:txt                                         │
│   Someone's auth mechanism                                                      │
│                                                                                  │
│  [plazmaz]                                                                       │
│                                                                                  │
│   VNC gaming                                                                    │
│   Evil Kitten Chrome Extension                                                  │
│   Cool tab invasive extensions                                                  │
│                                                                                  │
│  [sshell]                                                                        │
│                                                                                  │
│   Leafly Gopher Service                                                         │
│                                                                                  │
│  [x0]                                                                            │
│                                                                                  │
│   dare.js                                                                       │
│                                                                                  │
│  [xehle]                                                                         │
│                                                                                  │
│   CoolStart Extensions                                                          │
│   50k+ Chrome Extensions                                                        │
│                                                                                  │
│                                                                                  │
│  [yuu]                                                                           │
│                                                                                  │
│   bnp phishing kit                                                              │
│                                                                                  │
│                                                                                 │
│         No show tonight! See you next week!              /\__\\__/\              │
│                                                         /          \             │
│                                                       \( ミ  ⌒   ⌒ ミ)/ ★KUPO!★   │