────────┐ ┌──────▒██████████  ▒██───┐ ▒█──────┐ ┌────▒████████┐    ╶───────┐
             │ │▒████████████████ ▒███   ▒████     │ │ ▒█████▒████            │ 
             │ ▒████████████████  ▒███   ▒███   ▒███ ▒████▒███            │ 
     ┌───────┘ │▒█ ▒████   ▒████  ▒███──▒████  ▒████ ▒████───┤     │     ───────┤ 
     │         │   ▒████   ▒████ ▒████  ▒███   ▒████ ▒███ ▒████████│            │ 
     │         │   ▒████   ▒████ ▒████ ▒████  ▒█████ ▒███  ▒█████████           │ 
     └──────── └───▒████ ──▒██████████▒████──▒█████ ▒██────▒███▒████─ ╶───────┘
  .┌─┘             ▒████  ▒███████████ ▒███ ▒██████ ▒███    ▒███  ▒████         └─┐.
  ╷│               ▒████   ▒████ ▒██████████████████▒███   ▒████  ▒███            │╷
  ││      ▒██      ▒████  ▒████  ▒██████████████████▒████ ▒███    ▒███      ▒██   ││
  ││   ▒██ ▒██     ▒████  ▒████  ▒████████████ ▒████▒█████      ▒████  ▒██ ▒██    ││
  ││    ▒██ ▒██    ▒████  ▒████  ▒████ ▒████    ▒███  ▒█████████████  ▒██ ▒██     ││
  ││     ▒██       ▒████   ▒██   ▒████ ▒██      ▒███     ▒███████    ▒██          ││
  ││               ▒████         ▒███                                             ││
  ││               ▒████         ▒███      POST-DEFCON RECAP                      ││
  ││                             ░█                             ▒███              ││   
  ││  ▒██████████░▒████ ▒█████████         ▒████     ▒████      ▒████ ▒██         ││   
  │▒█████████████  ▒████████  ▒█████    ▒█████████   ▒███       ▒████▒████████    ││   
  ▒████    ▒████   ▒████       ▒████  ▒█████  ▒████ ▒████       ▒████ ▒█████████  ││   
 ▒████    ▒████    ▒████      ▒████ ▒██████    ▒█████████ ▒████ ▒████  ▒██  ▒█████││   
 ▒███    ▒████     ▒████     ▒████  ▒██████    ▒█████████ ▒████ ▒████  ▒███   ▒████▒████    ▒██    ▒███████   ▒████   ▒███████     ▒███████ ▒█████ ▒████  ▒███    ▒████  
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▒███   ▒████   ▒██████████████████ ▒████████    ▒████████████████████  ▒███      ▒████
▒████  ▒████   ▒██████████   ▒████▒████ ▒█████  ▒████████████████████  ▒██       ▒████
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  ▒████      ▒████ ▒████   ▒████    ▒████     ▒████ ▒███████ ▒██████ ▒████      ▒████ 
  ││▒███████████   ▒████   ▒████     ▒█████████    ▒██████  ▒███████  ▒███████████││   
  ││  ▒██████      ▒███    ▒████        ▒█████       ▒██████   ▒███   ░▒█ ▒██████ ││   
  ││                        ▒████                     ▒█████                      ││   
  ││                         ▒████                     ▒███                       ││   
  ││                          ▒███                                                ││   
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││   ██  █ █▀▀  █   █ ▄▀▀▀                                                      ││
  ││   █ █ █ █▄▄  █ ▄ █ ▀▄▄▄                                                      ││
  ││   █  ██ █▄▄▄  █ █  ▄▄▄▀                                                      ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││ ·• Teen Security Researcher Suspended for Exposing Vulnerabilities in His    ││
  ││    School's Software                                                         ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││ ·• Apple Confirms $1 Million Reward For Anyone Who Can Hack An iPhone        ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││ ·• GitHub sued for aiding hacking in Capital One breach                      ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││ ·• Canon DSLR Camera Infected with Ransomware Over the Air                   ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││ ·• New Dragonblood vulnerabilities found in WiFi WPA3 standard               ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││ ·• Reverse RDP Attack Enables Guest-to-Host Escape in Microsoft Hyper-V      ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││ ·• Honda's Security Soft Spots Exposed in Unsecured Database                 ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││ ·• Hungary Subsidiary of Microsoft Corporation Agrees to Pay $8.7 Million    ││
  ││    in Criminal Penalties to Resolve Foreign Bribery Case                     ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││ ·• Hidden Injection Flaws Found in BIG-IP Load Balancers                     ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││ ·• New Qualcomm Chip Flaws Expose Millions of Android Devices to Hacking     ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││ ·• Critical Vulnerabilities in Nvidia Drivers                                ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││ ·• Cisco "Knowingly Sold Hackable Video Surveillance System to U.S.          ││
  ││    Government"                                                               ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││ ·• Cyberattack On LAPD Confirmed: Data Breach Impacts Thousands Of Officers  ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││ ·• DHS issues hacking security alert for small planes                        ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││ ·• Black Hat USA 2019: IBM X-Force Red Reveals New Warshipping Hack To       ││
  ││    Infiltrate Corporate Networks                                             ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││ ·• Black Hat Talk About 'Time AI' Causes Uproar, Is Deleted By Conference    ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││ ·• DEFCON 2019: 35 Bugs in Office Printers Offer Hackers an Open Door        ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││ ·• British Police Threaten Prosecution for Anyone Caught Mocking Drug        ││
  ││    Dealers Haircut                                                           ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││   █▀▀▄ █▀▀█ █▀▀█ █▀▄   █▀▀▄ █▀▀ ▄▀▀▄ █▀▄  ▄▀▀▀                               ││
  ││   █ ▄  █  █ █  █ █  █  █▄▄▀ █▄▄ █▄▄█ █  █ ▀▄▄▄                               ││
  ││   █▄▄█ █▄▄█ █▄▄█ █▄▄█  █  █▄█▄▄▄█  █ █▄▄█ ▄▄▄▀                               ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││ ·• How to Lock Down the Kernel to Secure the Container                       ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││ ·• HTTP Desync Attacks: Request Smuggling Reborn                             ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││ ·• [netspooky] Cisco SMI: Still Tippin'                                      ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││ ·• Blackhat: Pre-auth RCE on Leading SSL VPNs                                ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││ ·• Blackhat: Inside the Apple T2                                             ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││ ·• [icyphox] Picking the FB50 smart lock (CVE-2019-13143)                    ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││ ·• TLS Fingerprinting with JA3 and JA3S                                      ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││ ·• Exploring the internals of the .NET Runtime                               ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││ ·• Using an RTL-SDR, RF Fingerprinting and Deep Learning to Authenticate     ││
  ││    RF Devices                                                                ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││ ·• The Lost Art of Warez                                                     ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││ ·• Base64 Magic!                                                             ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││ ·• WCTF2019: Gyotaku The Flag                                                ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││ ·• Juuls New E-Cig Sure Is Collecting a Dumb Amount of Data About Its Users  ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││ ·• Ahold-Delhaize and how bug bounty reports should be handled               ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││ ·• Exploiting Qualcomm WLAN And Modem Over-The-Air                           ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││ ·• Harnessing Weapons of Mac Destruction                                     ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││   █▀▀▀▄ █▀▀▄ █▀▀█  ▀▀█ █▀▀  █▀▀▀ ▀▀█▀▀▄▀▀▀                                   ││
  ││   █▄▄▄▀ █▄▄▀ █  █    █ █▄▄  █      █  ▀▄▄▄                                   ││
  ││   █     █  █ █▄▄█ █▄▄█ █▄▄▄ █▄▄▄   █  ▄▄▄▀                                   ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││ ·• ThreatLand - TL.FRAUD: A collection of fraud related tools for research.  ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││ ·• Skelsec's pypykatz has a bunch of new features!                           ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││ ·• The Teletypist - hexadecim8's old school hacker history zine              ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││ ·• Sampler: A tool for shell commands execution, visualization & alerting.   ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││ ·• Kubernetes Audit Repo                                                     ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││   █▀▀▀ █  █ █▀▀ ▄▀▀▄▀▀█▀▀▄▀▀▀                                                ││
  ││   █    █▀▀█ █▄▄ █▄▄█  █  ▀▄▄▄                                                ││
  ││   █▄▄▄ █  █ █▄▄▄█  █  █  ▄▄▄▀                                                ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││ ·• thu.gg Kiosk Hacking PoC Landing Page (Work in Progress)                  ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││ ·• [mg] Legit Looking iPhone Lightning Cables Will Hijack Your Computer      ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││ ·• zer0pwn - CVE-2019-14744 KDE Desktop File Command Injection               ││
  ││    └─ [poc] KDE Desktop File Command Injection                               ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││ ·• Steam Windows Client Local Privilege Escalation 0day                      ││
  ││    └─ [poc] SteamEoP.ps1                                                     ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││ ·• SharpGPOAbuse - A tool to take advantage of a user's edit rights on a     ││
  ││    GPO in order to compromise the objects that are controlled by that GPO.   ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││ ·• CVE-2019-11581 - Atlassian Jira Unauthorized Template Injection Vuln      ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││ ·• Understanding and Evading Get-InjectedThread                              ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││ ·• Dlink-CVE-2019-13101                                                      ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││ ·• Fortinet FortiRecorder hardcoded password                                 ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││ ·• ghostscript CVE-2019-10216: -dSAFER escape via .buildfont1                ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││ ·• Linux 4.10 < 5.1.17 PTRACE_TRACEME local root (CVE-2019-13272)            ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││   ▄▀▀▀  ▄▀▀▄ █▀▀ ▄▀▀▄ █▀▀▄  █    Leave nothing but log entries.              ││
  ││   ▀▄▄▄▄ █▄▄█ █▄▄ █▄▄█ █▄▄▀  ▄          Take nothing but screenshots.         ││
  ││   ▄▄▄▄▀ █  █ █   █  █ █  █▄ █                      Kill nothing but time.    ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││ ·• [hermit] XSS in US Postal Service Package Tracker                         ││
  ││ ·• [hermit] Spam Dating App Persistent iFrame Injection                      ││
  ││ ·• [hermit] Sprint / Chrysler Telematics Dev Backend                         ││
  ││ ·• [hermit] Sprint / Chrysler Telematics Dev Links                           ││
  ││ ·• [hermit] Sprint's Cellebrite Support Documentation                        ││
  ││ ·• [hermit] Weirdly cached Facebook open dir                                 ││
  ││ ·• [hermit] "The most cursed dork of all time"                               ││
  ││ ·• [hermit] Wordpress site exports dork                                      ││
  ││ ·• [hermit] Google CPanel Dork                                               ││
  ││ ·• [hermit] Voicemail Office Open Dir                                        ││
  ││ ·• [hermit] Macy's UI/JS Test Suite                                          ││
  ││ ·• [hermit] Dreambox RCE Dork                                                ││
  ││ ·• [hermit] old_website/oldwebsite/oldsite/old/...                           ││
  ││ ·• [hermit] Send a push notification, somewhere?                             ││
  ││ ·• [hermit] Christina Aguilera API ?                                         ││
  ││ ·• [sshell] Backups containing database creds for the Lebanese Chamber of    ││
  ││             Commerce, Industry, and Agriculture                              ││
  ││ ·• [sshell] lists of voter records with full names, addresses, and party     ││
  ││             affiliation for a county in new jersey                           ││
  ││ ·• [xehle] Google Data Export Dork                                           ││
  ││ ·• [xehle] Department of Education Download Pages                            ││
  ││ ·• [yuu] A lot of old NASA stuff                                             ││
  ││ ·• [yuu] Lantronix Unauthenticated "Setup Mode" Dork                         ││
  ││ ·• [yuu] Timeclock Dork                                                      ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ││                                                                              ││
  ╵│                                 Mix by 0katz                                 │╵
  ·└─┐                                                                          ┌─┘·