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Google confirms that advanced backdoor came preinstalled on Android devices

Large European routing leak sends traffic through China Telecom

RAMBleed, reading bits in memory without accessing them.

Your Linux Can Get Hacked Just by Opening a File in Vim or Neovim Editor

Apple just patched a modem bug that's been in macs since '99

A ‘backdoor in Optergy smart building tech gets maximum severity score

Mozilla says paid subscription service is coming to Firefox

Schools Are Deploying Massive Digital Surveillance Systems

Facebook Quietly Changes Search Tool Used by Investigators.

Troy Hunt is looking to sell Have I Been Pwned.


Bypassing CSP with policy injection
Demystifying the Islamic State’s Propaganda Machine
Hardware reversing with the Belkin Surf N300 router
Emuparadise gaming emulator website suffers data breach

Taking Action on Deceptive Installation Tactics

FBI Releases Article on Protected Voices Campaign


WordPress Satoshi 2.0 Cross Site Request Forgery / File Upload
MacOS Bug POC by @p0sixninja


Analyze multiple apk's at once


Super Socket Lottery Servers (@yuu)
Shilling dark/clear net markets (@x0)