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   +== NEWS ================================================================+
   |                                                                        |
+--|  ~ Intense scanning activity detected for BlueKeep RDP flaw            |--+
|\\|                                                                        |\\|
|\\|  ~ Two more Microsoft zero-days uploaded on GitHub                     |\\|
|\\|                                                                        |\\|
|\\|  ~ Criminals are scanning for MySQL servers to deploy GandCrab         |\\|
|\\|    ransomware                                                          |\\|
|\\|                                                                        |\\|
|\\|  ~ WebLogic Deserialization Remote Code Execution Vulnerability        |\\|
|\\|    (CVE-2019-2725): What You Need to Know                              |\\|
|\\|                                                                        |\\|
|\\|  ~ Qualcomm Ruled a Monopoly, Found in Violation of US Antitrust Law   |\\|
|\\|                                                                        |\\|
|\\|  ~ Australian tech unicorn Canva suffers security breach               |\\|
|\\|                                                                        |\\|
|\\|  ~ Alexa, what are you doing with kids data?                           |\\|
|\\|                                                                        |\\|
|\\|  ~ Microsoft makes major security changes, ends password               |\\|
|\\|    expiration policy                                                   |\\|
|\\|                                                                        |\\|
|\\|  ~ Fortiguard - Unauthenticated SSL VPN users password modification    |\\|
|\\|                                                                        |\\|
|\\|  ~ Huaweis voice in future tech standards restricted                   |\\|
|\\|                                                                        |\\|
|\\|  ~ Ubuntu Security Notice USN-3992-1                                   |\\|
|\\|                                                                        |\\|
|\\|  ~ CVE-2018-15664: docker (all versions) vulnerable to a               |\\|
|\\|    symlink-race attack                                                 |\\|
|\\|                                                                        |\\|
|\\+================================================================ NEWS ==+\\|
|\\+== GOOD READS ==========================================================+\\|
|\\|                                                                        |\\|
|\\|  ~ RCE Without Native Code: Exploitation of a Write-What-Where in      |\\|
|\\|    Internet Explorer                                                   |\\|
|\\|                                                                        |\\|
|\\|  ~ Speech2Face: Learning the Face Behind a Voice                       |\\|
|\\|                                                                        |\\|
|\\|  ~ CVE-2019-0708 Technical Analysis (RDP-RCE)                          |\\|
|\\|                                                                        |\\|
|\\|  ~ The Specter of MS17-010                                             |\\|
|\\|                                                                        |\\|
|\\|  ~ Recalling the AUTODIN - Part I                                      |\\|
|\\|                                                                        |\\|
|\\|  ~ Magic the Gathering Turing Machine v5                               |\\|
|\\|                                                                        |\\|
|\\|  ~ The Cybersecurity Hiring Gap is Due to The Lack of                  |\\|
|\\|    Entry-level Positions                                               |\\|
|\\|                                                                        |\\|
|\\|  ~ @IanColdwater: Have you seen this 8+ year old issue in Golang?      |\\|
|\\|    It's...something.                                                   |\\|
|\\|                                                                        |\\|
|\\|  ~ Billion laughs attack (YAML Bomb)                                   |\\|
|\\|                                                                        |\\|
|\\|  ~ History of the browser user-agent string                            |\\|
|\\|                                                                        |\\|
|\\+========================================================== GOOD READS ==+\\|
|\\+== PROJECTS/USEFUL =====================================================+\\|
|\\|                                                                        |\\|
|\\|  ~ Curated list of public penetration test reports released by         |\\|
|\\|    several consulting firms and academic security groups.              |\\|
|\\|                                                                        |\\|
|\\|  ~ Malware Archeology Cheatsheets                                      |\\|
|\\|                                                                        |\\|
|\\|  ~ Hacking the PowerGlove with Motion Control - Glytch on Hak5 2519    |\\|
|\\|                                                                        |\\|
|\\|  ~ pb; a command line pastebin service helper                          |\\|
|\\|                                                                        |\\|
|\\|  ~ fatt [fingerprintAllTheThings] - a pyshark based script for         |\\|
|\\|    extracting network metadata and fingerprints from pcap files        |\\|
|\\|    and live network traffic                                            |\\|
|\\|                                                                        |\\|
|\\+===================================================== PROJECTS/USEFUL ==+\\|
|\\+== CHEAT CODES =========================================================+\\|
|\\|                                                                        |\\|
|\\|  ~ libcurl: TFTP receive buffer overflow                               |\\|
|\\|                                                                        |\\|
|\\|  ~ libcurl: Integer overflows in curl_url_set()                        |\\|
|\\|                                                                        |\\|
|\\|  ~ Go Cryptography Libraries Cleartext Message Spoofing                |\\|
|\\|                                                                        |\\|
|\\|  ~ Nagios XI Username SQL Injection                                    |\\|
|\\|                                                                        |\\|
|\\|  ~ CVE-2019-0708.py                                                    |\\|
|\\|                                                                        |\\|
|\\|  ~ Fun With Custom URI Schemes                                         |\\|
|\\|                                                                        |\\|
|\\+========================================================= CHEAT CODES ==+\\|
|\\+== SAFARI ==============================================================+\\|
|\\|                                                                        |\\|
|\\|  ~ "Grandpa Joe is Pure Trash" [x0]                                    |\\|
|\\|                                                                        |\\|
|\\|  ~ "Google Tables - 'username' 'password'" [xehle]                     |\\|
|\\|                                                                        |\\|
|\\|  ~ "Script Deface" [hermit]                                            |\\|
|\\|                                                                        |\\|
|\\|  ~ Photobucket Site Map (Warning: Huge) [hermit]                       |\\|
|\\|                                                                        |\\|
|\\|  ~ With love from Linda [x0]                                           |\\|
|\\|                   Susan                                                |\\|
|\\|                   Maria                                                |\\|
|\\|                   Karen                                                |\\|
|\\|                   Susan                                                |\\|
|\\|                   Linda                                                |\\|
|\\|                                                                        |\\|
|\\|  ~ "Epic Gamer" (Warning: Lots of text) [x0]                           |\\|
|\\|                                                                        |\\|
|\\+============================================================== SAFARI ==+\\|
|\\+== ANNOUNCEMENTS =======================================================+\\|
|\\|                                                                        |\\|
|\\|  Can you believe it? We're coming back in just ONE WEEK. We are just   |\\|
|\\|  as excited as you are to get back to streamin' and memein'. Don't     |\\|
|\\|  forget to follow us on Twitch and Twitter to watch when we're live!   |\\|
|\\|                                                                        |\\|
|\\|  In other news, to celebrate our return next week, we are giving out   |\\|
|\\|  FREE 32 bit random numbers to the first 10 people to follow us on     |\\|
|\\|  Twitter, and use the hashtag "#RNGdUP".                               |\\|
|\\|                                                                        |\\|
+--|  This giveaway was sponsored by @DollarVPNClub.                        |--+
   |                                                                        |
   +======================================================= ANNOUNCEMENTS ==+