/ ______.____ ___    ____   _____ _________ _________ _______   ___ _______ \
\ \     /   //  /_ __\   \ /     \\        \\   _   //  _ /  \__\  \\      \ \
 \ \___/   //  // \\  \   \\  ___//\    ___//  /   //  /  \   \ \  //\  _   \ \
  \   /   //  //  //  /   // /   \\ \__/\_ /  / __//  //  />  / / /_\/ //   / /
   > /   //  //  //  /   //  \   //      //  /  \ /  //  //  / / //_/ _/   / /
  / /   //  //  //  /   //   /  //      //  /   //  _/  //  _   // \     _/ /
  \ \  //__//__/ \_/___//___/___\\_____//__/____\______//__/ \__\\__\   / _/
   \ \/ ____________________________________________________________ \_/ /
    \__/                                                            \___/


/// Lifes A Breach ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/                                                                             /
/ > 500 Million Marriott Guest Records Stolen in Starwood Data Breach         /
/ > Quora says hackers stole up to 100 million users' data                    /
/ > Credit card stealing malware on Canada’s 1-800-FLOWERS website went       /
/   undetected for four years                                                 /
/ > Dell announces security breach                                            /
/                                                                             /
/// Sounds Great... ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/                                                                             /
/ > Tumblr will ban all adult content on December 17th                        /
/ > Someone Is Claiming to Sell a Mass Printer Hijacking Service              /
/                                                                             /
/// Real Shit??? //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/                                                                             /
/ > Kubernetes' first major security hole discovered                          /
/ > Zoom Message Spoofing                                                     /
/ > Moscow's new cable car system infected with ransomware two days           /
/   after launch                                                              /
/ > Hackers are opening SMB ports on routers so they can infect PCs with      /
/   NSA malware                                                               /
/ > New industrial espionage campaign leverages AutoCAD-based malware         /
/ > 'Massage parlour' location looks like Amazon stealth-testing secret new   /
/   wireless network                                                          /
/                                                                             /
/// Good Reads ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/                                                                             /
/ > Out of 43 Blockchain Startups, Zero Have Delivered Products               /
/ > Stealing Webpages Rendered on Your Browser by Exploiting                  /
/   GPU Vulnerabilities                                                       /
/ > U-M researchers create world’s smallest 'computer'                        /
/ > North Korean Hackers Move Onto Attacking Individuals After Exchanges      /
/   Boost Security                                                            /
/ > Pwining Ebay - How I Dumped Ebay Japan's Website Source Code              /
/ > systemd gem of the day: unprivileged users with UID > INT_MAX can         /
/   successfully execute any systemctl command                                /
/                                                                             /
/// lole //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/                                                                             /
/ > can't sleep so i'm just uploading random stuff to tumblr to test their    /
/   Illegal Titty Algorithm                                                   /
/ > Ol' Rudy's Accidental Link Gets Hijacked.                                 /
/                                                                             /

   ==//::::  AKA YTCRACKER ::::IIIIII??IIIIIIII7=,......,..,:+77III?=+=+?IIII
   //=|                      |:+7?++?+++++?+==+,.:+?IIIIII?=:,,~7===~~~~~=+++
   /==|                      |:==++=~~=++=====+~I+=+~~+III????+,7++???+=~====
   ===|                      |:~==+=~~++====~?=I7+=~++?II=~+++?:IIIIII?=~~~~~
   ===| * Gained fame for    |:~~==+====~~+=+?I7IIIIIIIIII???I?:I????+=~~~~~~
   ===|   defacing govt and  |:====?+==~~~~~~?IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII?+I~~~~=:=~~~~~
   ===|   commercial         |~~~~====~~~~~~~?IIIIIII=~=+IIII?++I~~~~=:~~~~~~
   ===|   websites           |~I77~+?II==I7I=++III?==++??+II?++?+~~~~=:=::~~:
   ===|                      |~==+??++=++I?+++=II?++++?++=+???++~~~~~=:==~~~:
   ===| * Defaced websites   |~::~::::::::,,,:+I??=+?~:~?+=?+??~~~~~~=~==+~:,
   ===|   of FAA, DCAA,      |=+?II????????????I?+=~=~~=+~=++??=======~===::,
   ===|   NATO, AT&T         |=,:~~~~~~~~~~~:+,I+=~,...,,:=+?=:::::::~~?+===:
   ===|                      |=:~~~~~~~~~=::~~:I+===,..,~=+??::,:::~~~=I+~::,
   ===| * Hates Computer     |+++?+++==:=,,,~~~??+====+++?II:,,,.,~:~::,,:~=:
   ===|   Riddles            |?~++==:,~~:,,.~~:++==~~~=++?I=~,,,.,~::,,~:=??:
   ===|                      |?:=~~,,,~,....:~,:==+===+???:~::.....,:,,,::::.
   ===|                      |?~,:..........:~~,,=++==+++~::::........,,::,~.
   ===|                      /?,,.........,,..,~:..~????::,.,:,::........,:,.
   ======/  LIVE  /                                                         |
   =====/--------/           Evil Hackerman Tells Us About Hacking          |
   ====/10:30 PM/                                                           |
   ====|omeone called someone else a skid on IRC, and stocks are really feel|

                        ,...........,             Our Distinguished 
                      ,.......,,,......                Guests 
                   :.,,:~+??II???+++???+~~            YTCracker
                   ::,:::=??????+++++??++:                &
                   :,,::+++??==~~===~:,,:+,           int80  of 
                   ,,::+??+~+=~:::+=::~==+=           Dual Core
                  ~??=:++????==+I???+++++?=              in
                     =?++++??++==:,:II=~?I??+            """
                    ?+?+++++=~:?~=IIIII=I.,.:        Musical Tales 
                      ++++==~::::??II++.+IIII==        from the 
                       ====~=,,,,+,.:.:=+::??I,        Internet
                        =====:~.=+=+.....,,:.?I          """
  ___ ,_,,,,,,......,...._ _..._........................._ _.............._ 
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 | |) | (_-< '_ \/ _ (_-< |  _| \ V / _ (_-< / -_) ' \  | | | ' \/ -_) _` |_ 
 |___/|_/__/ .__/\___/__/_|\__|_|\_/\___/__/ \___|_||_| |_|_|_||_\___\__,_( )
           |_|  _             _       _                    _              |/   
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              / _ \/ _` | || | | \ V / / -_) ' \/ -_) / _ \  _| '_/ _ \ 
             /_/ \_\__, |\_,_|_|  \_/|_\___|_||_\___| \___/\__|_| \___/ 
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