--- root @ thugcrowd :~/deployments/episodes $ cat episode35.ymlapiVersion: 35 kind: podcast timestamp: 2018.11.13 - 09:30:00 PM timezone: America/New_York metadata: socialmedia: twitter: thugcrowdtwitch: hardchatpatreon: thugcrowdinstagram: thugcrowddiscord: leet.clubdeploymentKillSwitch: |- f0VMRrrc/iFDvmkZEijrPAIAPgABAAAABAAAAAEAAAAcAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAQAAAEAAOAABAAIAsKkPBQAAAACwqQ8FAAAAAL+t3uH+6+mQsections: news: - Google went down after traffic was routed through China and Russia - Bug Bounty Hunter Ran ISP Doxing Service - Hacking Team Hacker Phineas Fisher Has Gotten Away With It - Botnet pwns 100,000 routers using ancient security flaw - Et Tu, GPU? Researchers Publish Side-Channel Attacks on Nvidia Graphics - Fake cryptocurrency wallets found on Play Store - Attack uses malicious InPage document and outdated VLC media player to give attackers backdoor access to targetsgood_reads: - Steam bug could have given you access to all the CD keys of any game - PhpLDAPadmin 0day - Systemd's DynamicUser feature is (currently) dangerous - Inside the Messy, Dark Side of Nintendo Switch Piracyinterview: guest: 'Ian Coldwater' deploymentTime: 2018.11.13 - 10:30:00 PM timezone: America/New_York socialmedia: @IanColdwaternotes: - Kubernetes Security - CTFs