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 ++++++++++ ▀▀▀▀▀▀+█++█+++█+++█++++ █++█+++ █++++█▀+++ ▀█+++█▀▀▀▀▀▀▀+++++++++ 
  ▓│         ...::[                  NEWS                   ]::...        │▓
  ▓│ ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── │▓
  ▓│                                                                      │▓
  ▓│  : Timehop Hacked — Hackers Stole Personal Data Of All 21M Users     │▓
  ▓│                                                                      │▓
  ▓│  : A landmark legal shift opens Pandora's Box for DIY guns.          │▓
  ▓│                                                                      │▓
  ▓│  : Using the Office 365 Activities API to Investigate Business       │▓
  ▓│    Email Compromises | Link 1 | Link 2                               │▓
  ▓│                                                                      │▓
  ▓│  : Fitness app Polar exposed locations of spies & military personnel │▓
  ▓│                                                                      │▓
  ▓│  : New Virus Decides If Your Computer Good for Mining or Ransomware  │▓
  ▓│                                                                      │▓
  ▓│  : Japan issues first-ever prison sentence in cryptojacking case     │▓
  ▓│                                                                      │▓
  ▓│  : Hackers Using Stolen D-Link Certificates for Malware Signing      │▓
  ▓│                                                                      │▓
  ▓│  : Hamas hacked smartphones of over 100 IDF soldiers                 │▓
  ▓│                                                                      │▓
  ▓│  : Insurers hurl sueball at Trustwave over 2008 Heartland megabreach │▓
  ▓│                                                                      │▓
 ──────┘ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ └──────
  ▓│         ...::[      Topic of the Week: Bug Bounty      ]::...        │▓
 ──────┘ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ └──────
  ▓│                                                                      │▓
  ▓│  : Our experiences with bug bounties & disclosure                    │▓
  ▓│                                                                      │▓
  ▓│  : Benefits & Drawbacks                                              │▓
  ▓│                                                                      │▓
  ▓│  : Methodology                                                       │▓
  ▓│                                                                      │▓
  ▓│  : Hitting where it hurts                                            │▓
  ▓│                                                                      │▓
  ▓│  : Measuring Impact & Communicating your findings                    │▓
  ▓│                                                                      │▓
 ──────┘ ░░                                                        ░░ └──────

 Salesman: *slaps roof of bug bounty mail server*   ?,,,7       7,,,,,?         
                                                  ::::::::7    ,,,,,,,,.        
 This badboy can fit so many dupes in it!         :.=,,II,7   .,,,,,,,,,:       
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